Cooking Class Series

In order to bridge community and cultures in our ethnically diverse city, Food Connections is holding a series of cooking classes to showcase the distinctiveness of each culture’s cuisine to uncover some of it’s hidden recipes.

We are highlighting the Chinese culture in our first cooking class series, bringing you inside a Chinese restaurant kitchen for a hands-on interactive and fun workshop.




Learn the Secrets: Traditional Dim Sum, Chinese Cooking Class & Dinner

Join us for a hands-on cooking class as we teach you how to craft traditional Chinese Dim Sum and two of the most popular dishes in Cantonese cuisine.


  1. Steamed Shrimp Dumplings
  2. Sticky Rice Wrapped in Bamboo Leaf
  3. Deep Fried Pipa Tofu
  4. Traditional Soy Sauce Chicken
  5. BONUS: Dessert of your choice!


Private party cooking classes on-demand.
**Require a minimum 10 people to start a class.

Customizable Menu. Dinner & wine included.

Location: Fortune House Seafood Restaurant (inside Metrotown mall)
Address: 291A-4700 Kingsway, Metropolis at Metrotown, Burnaby

Dinner included after class (6-course menu, specially designed for us)

You can’t have a cooking class without a feast!
Sit down, relax and have a glass of wine as we enjoy the food we just prepared. The special menu will also feature some of the top dishes from Fortune House, including fresh locally sourced seafood dishes.

Let us know what your top dishes are at Fortune House! Dinner’s on us!

** If you cannot round up enough in your party for 10 people, email me at with a couple preferred time slots, and I’ll group you in with others to make a class of 10!

About the Chef:

Led by the Executive Chef of Fortune House Seafood Restaurant, Chef Wing Ho, is the holder of a “Best of the Best” award and gold medalist winner at the 2008 World Championship of Chinese Cuisine in Beijing, China. He is the former head chef of the Ritz Carlton in Shanghai.

Click here for tickets!

See our blog of our previous event

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